Food sharing. We take donations from local businesses and use them to fight hunger. Help us connect with donors and with people in need.
Compartiendo comida a familias en necesidad.
Every Saturday, we mobilize our teams of volunteers to make a real difference by distributing food, clothing and more. Join us and see what can be accomplished when you get an impassioned team to focus on change.
Cada sabado, nos movilizamos nuestros equipos de voluntarios para hacer una verdadera diferencia. Unete y experimenta la satisfacción de servir a otros.
Our community is full of people who want to help. We help provide important connections with those in need and businesses that can help with legal, financial or career support. Come connect with people in new ways!Nuestra comunidad necesita ayuda y nosotros queremos ayudar y proveer servicios que sirvan esas necesidades especificas.
RDC by Fe y alabanza
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